SatYield AI-driven Yield prediction is a powerful tool that can significantly benefit Commodity Grain Traders, Procurement & Risk Management, to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and profitability in trading strategies. Here's how we can help:
Crop Yield Maps
High Accuracy Yield Data, over 95%
Global, Real Time In-season maps
Updates every 8-10 Days
States & Counties Scale
No ground historical data needed
Crop Yield Prediction
Filter by Crop Types: Corn, Soy and Wheat
Drill down from State to County-by-County level
Current and Historical views

Trends & Baselines
Average Yield: Bushels Per Acre
Total Acreage
Total Bushels
Up to 5 Years full season Trends and Baselines historical data
Deep Dive Reports & Alerts
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Compare with USDA WASDE and Final report

Satyield crop yield prediction powered by AI, integrated with live satellites, weather and proprietary data sources to enable a rapid, efficient and accurate informed commodity trading decisions.
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Get access to in-season data 2024-2025*
Insights on Wheat, Corn and Soybean
Yield Maps & Production estimates
View Trends and Historical data up to 5 years
USDA WASDE Reports comparison
*Available for design partner program members only